Brands Co-Op Marketing


Smarter, Verifiable
Revenue Gains


Revolutionizing how marketing funds are allocated to retailers, this solution helps brands in the outdoor industry drive local shoppers into stores, significantly boosting sales for both the brands and their retailers.

Key Features


Our platform helps brands invest in local markets by driving foot traffic to stores where their products are sold. From managing co-op marketing funds to leveraging local inventory ads, each feature is crafted to boost sales and ensure that both brands and retailers see measurable returns. Explore how these tools can make a significant impact on your bottom line.

Dashboard Controls

Marketing teams now have a single dashboard to assign and monitor marketing funds shared with all of their selected dealers.

Local Inventory Ads

When marketing funds are shared, BrandSlice puts those dollars to work immediately by creating a Local Inventory Ad campaign for your brand's products. Your products will start showing up for online shoppers looking to by nearby.

Credit Tracking

It's quick and easy to see exactly what credits are owed to dealers on future invoices as a result of sharing marketing funds. Sharing this data with accounting is as simple as an exported spreadsheet.


Your dealers are notified whenever you add new marketing funds to be shared with them. They'll learn that these funds are being put to work locally on their behalf to drive foot traffic into their store.

Verifiable Tracked Performance

Shoppers are tracked from ad click all the way to their physical visit to a store via their mobile device providing verifiable proof that your investment in your dealers is absolutely working.

500% Increase Over 2 Years

Brands can capitalize on the growing trend of "near me" searches, which have increased by over 500% in the past two years, ensuring their products are seen by ready-to-buy customers actively searching for them.

Eliminate Receipts

Traditional co-op management processes are costly and time consuming. Chasing down receipts, entering data, verifying invoice credits are all eliminated by using the BrandSlice fund sharing feature.

No Rep Involvement Needed

You can save your reps the time and expense of having to manage the process of sharing marketing funds with dealers. The dashboard handles everything and there's nothing for a retailer to do

Power Local Inventory Ads
By Leveraging Retailer Data


BrandSlice has access to inventories from 1000's of retailers every day. With that data intelligence in hand, Brands have a huge new opportunity to reach shoppers in local markets that have expressed their intent to buy their products by performing an online search. Shoppers get immediate results that show your products are in stock locally and available for purchase.

Local Inventory Ads are intentionally different than Shopping Ads and Product Listing Ads. LIA provides Pick Up Today and Curbside Pickup tags along with store distance, all of which are intended to attract shoppers to local stores.

Tracking The Entire
Buyer Journey


BrandSlice has partnered with Locally to offer brands the most comprehensive buyer journey tracking available on any marketing platform.

Brands can now view local advertising metrics alongside customer BOPIS and ROPIS transaction metrics occurring at the store level, giving brands extensive attribution information on their ad spend.

Impact Dashboard: Track Co-Op ROI


See the direct impact of your co-op funds, track ad performance, and measure ROI across all your retail partners It's a quick and easy way to keep

Tracking Details


A Co-Op Marketing Program That
Returns 5 to 10x In Revenue
For Your Brand


Track Shoppers From
Ad Click To Store Visit With Mobile Device


Our solution introduces groundbreaking technology for brand marketing teams, allowing them to prove the value of their shared ad budgets with dealers at an unprecedented scale. By leveraging Google's mobile device tracking, we can accurately trace shoppers who click on product ads and verify whether they visit the associated store. This level of precise attribution is a game-changer, offering clear evidence that your co-op marketing investments are driving real, measurable results.

Integrated With Locally to Drive
More ROPIS/BOPIS transactions


BrandSlice and Locally technology is tightly integrated allowing for product ads to help drive even more ROPIS/BOPIS transaction for stores you are sharing funds with. All of this data is shared between the system allowing for reporting metrics to show the entire customer journey.

Over 70% of consumers now use some form of
"buy online, pick up in store"
when shopping online


Get the ultimate tool to supercharge
your shopper attraction


Find out why retailers choose BrandSlice to support their exponential growth.